SB 4.3.13 — 15

Vidagdha Madhava Prabhu (Hawaii)  November 12, 2018 SB 4.3.13 — 15 Text 13: O best of the demigods, how can the body of a daughter remain undisturbed when she hears that some festive event is taking place in her father’s house? Even though you may be considering that...

SB 4.3.5-8

Ramananda Dasa (Volcano, Hawaii) November 5, 2018 SB 4.3.5-8 Texts 5-7: The chaste lady Satī, the daughter of Dakṣa, heard the heavenly denizens flying in the sky conversing about the great sacrifice being performed by her father. When she saw that from all directions...

SB 4.3.4

Gaudacandra Prabhu (Los Angeles, California) November 2, 2018 SB 4.3.4 Text 4: While the sacrifice was being performed, many brahmarṣis, great sages, ancestral demigods and other demigods, their wives all very nicely decorated with ornaments, attended from different...

SB 4.3.3

Vidagdha Madhava Prabhu (Hawaii)  November 1, 2018 SB 4.3.3 Text 3: Dakṣa began a sacrifice named vājapeya, and he became excessively confident of his support by Lord Brahmā. He then performed another great sacrifice, named bṛhaspati-sava....

SB 4.3.2

Narahari Prabhu (Honolulu, HI) October 31, 2018 SB 4.3.2 Text 2: When Lord Brahmā appointed Dakṣa the chief of all the Prajāpatis, the progenitors of population, Dakṣa became very much puffed up. 

SB 4.2.34 —35

Jaya Jagadisa Prabhu (Santa Cruz, CA) October 29, 2018 SB 4.2.34 —35 Text 34: The sage Maitreya continued: O Vidura, all the progenitors of the universal population thus executed a sacrifice for thousands of years, for sacrifice is the best way to worship the Supreme...