SB 3.26.44 — 46

Puskara Prabhu (Alachua, Florida) October 31, 2017 SB 3.26.44 — Due to the interaction of water with the taste perception, the subtle element odor evolves under superior arrangement. Thence the earth and the olfactory sense, by which we can variously experience the...

SB 3.26.43

HG Urmila Devi Dasi (Hilo, HI) October 30, 2017 SB 3.26.43 — The characteristics of water are exhibited by its moistening other substances, coagulating various mixtures, causing satisfaction, maintaining life, softening things, driving away heat, incessantly supplying...

SB 3.26.34

Vidagdha Madhava Prabhu (Hawaii)  October 25, 2017 SB 3.26.34 — The activities and characteristics of the ethereal element can be observed as the accommodation of room for the external and internal existences of all living entities, namely the field of activities of...

SB 3.26.33

Girigovardhana Prabhu (Potomac, Maryland) October 24, 2017 SB 3.26.33 — Persons who are learned and who have true knowledge define sound as that which conveys the idea of an object, indicates the presence of a speaker screened from our view and constitutes the subtle...