SB 2.7.28-29

Speaker: Puskara Prabhu (Alachua, Florida) July 31, 2014 SB 2.7.28 — Then also when the cowherd boys and their animals drank the poisoned water of the river Yamunā, and after the Lord [in His childhood] revived them by His merciful glance, just to purify the water of...

Bg 4.19

Speaker : Vidagdha Madhava Prabhu (Ainaloa, Hawaii)  July 30, 2014 Bg 4.19 — One is understood to be in full knowledge whose every endeavor is devoid of desire for sense gratification. He is said by sages to be a worker for whom the reactions of work have been burned...

SB 2.7.27

Speaker : Narahari Prabhu (Honolulu, HI) July 30, 2014 SB 2.7.27 — There is no doubt about Lord Kṛṣṇa’s being the Supreme Lord. Otherwise, how was it possible for Him to kill a giant demon like Pūtanā when He was just on the lap of His mother, to overturn a cart with...

Bg 4.18

Speaker: Janaspriha Prabhu (Honolulu, Hawaii) July 29, 2014 Bg 4.18 — One who sees inaction in action and action in inaction is intelligent among men, and he is in the transcendental position, although engaged in all sorts of activities.  Listen to...

SB 2.7.26

Speaker: Acyutananda Prabhu (Alachua, Florida) July 29, 2014 SB 2.7.26 — When the world is overburdened by the fighting strength of kings who have no faith in God, the Lord, just to diminish the distress of the world, descends with His plenary portion. The Lord comes...