by Ramananda | Dec 31, 2015 | Damayanti, SB 3.9
Damayanti Devi (Cottonwood, Arizona) December 31, 2015 SB 3.9.1 — Lord Brahmā said: O my Lord, today, after many, many years of penance, I have come to know about You. Oh, how unfortunate the embodied living entities are that they are unable to know Your...
by Ramananda | Dec 30, 2015 | BG 10, Vidagdha Madhava
Vidagdha Madhava Prabhu (Ainaloa, Hawaii) December 30, 2015 Bg 10.28 — Of weapons I am the thunderbolt; among cows I am the surabhi. Of causes for procreation I am Kandarpa, the god of love, and of serpents I am Vāsuki.
by Ramananda | Dec 30, 2015 | Gaudacandra, SB 3.8
Gaudacandra Prabhu (Los Angeles, California) December 30, 2015 SB 3.8.28 — O my dear Vidura, the Lord’s waist was covered with yellow cloth resembling the saffron dust of the kadamba flower, and it was encircled by a well-decorated belt. His chest...
by Ramananda | Dec 29, 2015 | BG 10, Ramananda
Ramananda Dasa (Volcano, Hawaii) December 29, 2015 Bg 10.27 — Of horses know Me to be Uccaiḥśravā, produced during the churning of the ocean for nectar. Of lordly elephants I am Airāvata, and among men I am the monarch.
by Ramananda | Dec 28, 2015 | BG 10, Vidagdha Madhava
Vidagdha Madhava Prabhu (Ainaloa, Hawaii) December 28, 2015 Bg 10.26 — Of all trees I am the banyan tree, and of the sages among the demigods I am Nārada. Of the Gandharvas I am Citraratha, and among perfected beings I am the sage Kapila.
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