Bg 6.20-23

Speaker: Ramananda Dasa (Hawaii) December 31, 2014 Bg 6.20-23 — In the stage of perfection called trance, or samādhi, one’s mind is completely restrained from material mental activities by practice of yoga. This perfection is characterized by one’s ability to see the...

SB 2.10.26

Speaker : Narahari Prabhu (Honolulu, HI) December 31, 2014 SB 2.10.26 — Thereupon, for sexual pleasure, begetting offspring and tasting heavenly nectar, the Lord developed the genitals, and thus there is the genital organ and its controlling deity, the Prajāpati. The...

SB 2.10.25

Speaker : Girigovardhana Prabhu (Potomac, Maryland) December 30, 2014 SB 2.10.25 — Thereupon, because of His desiring to control movement, His legs became manifested, and from the legs the controlling deity named Viṣṇu was generated. By His personal supervision of...

Bg 6.18-19

Speaker: Janaspriha Prabhu (Honolulu, Hawaii) December 30, 2014 Bg 6.18 — When the yogī, by practice of yoga, disciplines his mental activities and becomes situated in transcendence – devoid of all material desires – he is said to be well established in yoga. Bg 6.19...

SB 2.10.24

Speaker: Sura Prabhu (Los Angeles) December 29, 2014 SB 2.10.24 — Thereafter when the Supreme Person desired to perform varieties of work, the two hands and their controlling strength, and Indra, the demigod in heaven, became manifested, as also the acts dependent on...